
The need for renewable energy is a realisation of this centuries society as pressure mounts from the threat of climate change, the poetential for an energy shortage crisis and the decentalization of the power grid. One technology that will play a role in the transition to a more renewable regime of power generation will be solar energy.

Despite poltical challenges with renewables, solar energy’s technological challenge is that of finding the most effecitive material to use. The material for the next-generation solar cell must efficiently convert incident light to electricity whilst also being abundant, hard wearing and cheap produce.

Perovksite is one such material showing the poetential to be the next-generation solar cell material. The recently reserached material has shown the fastest progress in the last 10 years and is currently challenging silicon as the material of choice for manufacturers.

Find Out More

Find out more about solar cells and the emerging material that is Perovskite below.